9 Best Peanut Butter Smoothies That Are To Die For

In need of a convenient and delicious snack for your travels? Look no further than these scrumptious peanut butter smoothies. With just a few quick minutes spent blending, you’ll have a tasty treat to accompany you on-the-go. Here are my top picks that I simply adore:

Chocolate Peanut Butter Banana Smoothie

Chocolate Peanut Butter Banana Smoothie

My husband’s constant complaints about his weight got me thinking – why do men get to slack off on their eating habits for years before it catches up with them? I’ve been diligent about my diet since I was 18, and by 22, I’d started regular workouts. Meanwhile, my husband just lifts weights at the gym and never does any cardio or focuses on toning his abs. It’s like they’re playing a different game altogether!

He’s now self-proclaimed ‘dad bod’ isn’t even that bad, but he still begs me to make him healthy smoothies. His latest request was for something with peanut butter and banana flavors that would satisfy his cravings. After experimenting, I came up with this creamy Peanut Butter Banana Smoothie recipe using just 6 ingredients – Greek yogurt, almond milk, cocoa powder, banana, peanut butter, and a hint of chocolate.

It’s the perfect indulgent breakfast or on-the-go snack that’s surprisingly healthy. Since it makes a huge batch, I usually split it with my husband and bring some yogurt or fresh fruit to work as a mid-morning snack. The best part? It doesn’t taste healthy at all! If you have protein powder lying around, feel free to substitute some of the Greek yogurt for an extra nutritional boost. And if you’re curious about my go-to protein powder, I’ll share it with you below – it’s amazing!

Berry Smoothie With PB

Berry Smoothie With PB

At first, I was skeptical about combining peanut butter and berries in a smoothie. The thought of these two flavors together seemed unusual, even clashing. My mental image of peanut butter didn’t include blueberries or strawberries – it was a flavor profile that wasn’t meant to be merged. However, after witnessing numerous recipes featuring this unique combination, I decided to take the plunge and give it a try. And I’m glad I did! When done right, the taste is surprisingly pleasant.

The key is to use only a small amount of peanut butter, providing a subtle burst of flavor without overpowering the smoothie. This recipe is perfect for those new to peanut butter or looking for a fruity smoothie that still packs a punch. By combining banana, frozen berries, milk, and Greek yogurt with just one tablespoon of peanut butter, you’ll get a low-calorie, creamy treat that’s both decadent and refined. The ingredient list may be short, but the flavor is truly exceptional.

Dairy-Free Chocolate Peanut Butter Smoothie

Dairy-Free Chocolate Peanut Butter Smoothie

As you may know, my seven-year-old son has an unusual affinity for green smoothies. In fact, he’s so particular that he’ll only drink them if they’re green. I’ve come to realize that his love for these beverages might be inherited from me. After having my daughter, I was determined to lose the baby weight and turned to a diet rich in green smoothies. My son would often sneak sips of mine, and now he’s developed a taste for them on his own.

As a result, I’ve honed in on a few go-to recipes that are not only delicious but also packed with nutrients.

This particular recipe has become a staple in our household. Not only do we love the flavor combination of peanut butter and chocolate, but it’s also incredibly healthy. The best part? It’s dairy-free, loaded with spinach and protein, and ridiculously low-calorie.

I attribute this to the addition of protein powder, which not only boosts the smoothie’s creaminess but also its nutritional value.

The brand I swear by is PEScience, which offers a range of organic plant-based protein powders in flavors like chocolate fudge and peanut butter cup. Their protein powder is incredibly thick, making it perfect for blending into smoothies. The hint of peanut butter cup adds an extra layer of creaminess to the flavor.

So, if you’re looking to join the green machine club, this recipe is a great place to start. With its unique blend of flavors and impressive health benefits, you’ll be hooked in no time.

Strawberry Peanut Butter Smoothie

Strawberry Peanut Butter Smoothie

I often find myself sharing a post-workout routine with my dad, specifically our hot yoga sessions. It’s amusing how he was the one who got me hooked on it in the first place. His gym-going background and former ‘bodybuilder’ stint have rubbed off on me, teaching me valuable lessons about the benefits of hot yoga. Let me tell you, it’s a real game-changer! The intense physical activity leaves you feeling invigorated and refreshed.

If you’re considering trying it out, I highly recommend giving it a shot. You’ll be drenched in sweat by the end of your first session. As we savor our smoothies after class, my dad recently asked me why I prefer them in the morning. My initial responses were about convenience and speed, but there’s more to it than that. The real reason is how it makes me feel – like I’ve made a great choice for my body and health.

Not only do fruit smoothies aid digestion and promote weight loss, but they can also boost your immune system and help prevent illnesses when consumed regularly. I often find myself pondering the same question with regards to my dad: why hasn’t he adopted this healthy habit? Perhaps it’s just a matter of finding the right recipe. Speaking of which, I recently whipped up a delicious smoothie that’s perfect for on-the-go.

The combination of strawberries and banana provides a natural sweetness, while Laura Scudder’s Nutty all-natural peanut butter adds a delightful crunch. If you’re looking for a flavor-packed smoothie with a satisfying texture, this is the one to try!

Healthy Chocolate Caramel PB Smoothie

Healthy Chocolate Caramel PB Smoothie

Imagine having a recipe that’s so incredibly delicious, you’ll want to share it with everyone – and I’m not just talking about family and friends! This caramel peanut butter smoothie has taken over my life (in the best way possible), and I’m convinced it will do the same for you. The secret ingredient that sets it apart from other recipes? Sugar-free caramel syrup, which I never knew existed until stumbling upon this recipe. Now, I’m hooked and use it on everything from pancakes to ice cream.

The other game-changer is powdered peanut butter – a revelation! Sometimes, using real peanut butter can be essential for flavor and texture, but in this case, the powdered version shines. With only 120 calories per serving, you’ll be amazed by how packed with flavor each sip is. I’ve double-checked the ingredients to ensure it’s healthy, too! My entire family loves this smoothie – kids, husband, parents… and I’m confident you will, too!

Low Carb Smoothie With Almond Milk

Low Carb Smoothie With Almond Milk

When it comes to the keto diet, I’m always curious to hear about people’s experiences. Do you know someone who has had success with this diet? I’ve never been one to follow the keto diet for several reasons. Firstly, being Italian means that carbs are a big part of my culture and upbringing. Giving up pasta dishes and bread can be tough! Family gatherings often revolve around homemade pasta, so it’s hard to imagine not indulging in those dishes.

Another reason I don’t follow the keto diet is that I love fruit and enjoy eating it with most meals. I know that giving up fruit would be a significant sacrifice for me. Finally, my social calendar is always busy, and I worry that the strict nature of the keto diet would make it difficult for me to stick to it consistently. That being said, I do have friends who swear by the keto diet and have seen amazing results.

My friend’s husband has lost over 40 pounds, and she’s shed nearly 20 pounds herself. While the keto diet may not be the right fit for me, it clearly works wonders for others. What does this have to do with food? Well, I recently discovered a delicious peanut butter smoothie that’s perfect for those following the keto diet (or just looking for a healthy treat). This recipe is a game-changer because it’s packed with healthy fats and avocado – my new favorite addition to any smoothie.

The creaminess avocado adds is unbeatable, and it’s virtually tasteless, making it a great base for your own creations. Avocados are a nutritional powerhouse, boasting an impressive amount of fiber and potassium. With only five ingredients and under 350 calories, this smoothie is a quick, tasty, and healthy option for breakfast or lunch. The consistency will remind you of a malt – it’s that good! I’m hooked!

Oatmeal Smoothie

Oatmeal Smoothie

Indulge in the warm comfort of Well Plated’s oatmeal-based smoothie recipe, perfect for banishing mid-day cravings. The addition of oats may seem unconventional, but it yields a wealth of benefits: rich antioxidants, abundant fiber, and satisfying filling properties. This velvety blend combines the natural sweetness of banana, the comforting warmth of oatmeal and cinnamon, and the indulgent richness of peanut butter to create a taste experience reminiscent of an oatmeal cookie.

The seasonal flavors and deep coloring make this a standout fall or winter smoothie. Even kids will devour this treat-like concoction, which yields a generous three servings when prepared in bulk using a high-powered blender like the Nutribullet.

Espresso Smoothie

Espresso Smoothie

I’m often asked how I managed to be so fortunate during my pregnancies. While it’s true that I didn’t experience morning sickness or fatigue, there was one aspect of pregnancy that I did find challenging: giving up coffee. As someone who has relied on caffeine since high school, the idea of starting each day without a cup (or two) was daunting. My coffee routine had become a staple in college, where I’d consume multiple cups throughout the day.

Even after graduating, my caffeine intake remained steady. The thought of waking up without coffee was like stepping into a nightmare. But it wasn’t just the lack of coffee that bothered me – it was the idea of replacing my favorite morning ritual with something else. That’s when I discovered the perfect solution: a smoothie that combines the flavors of peanut butter and banana with a boost from espresso powder.

Not only is this drink healthier than your average coffeehouse concoction, but it’s also lighter on the stomach and tastes better in my opinion. When you’re feeling sluggish after waking up, reach for this smoothie to give yourself a pick-me-up without the added sugars found in many commercial drinks.

PB2 Blueberry Cinnamon Smoothie

PB2 Blueberry Cinnamon Smoothie

Powdered peanut butter has become a staple in my diet, particularly when I’m looking to mix things up in my smoothies. The key for me is that it blends seamlessly into creamy concoctions featuring ingredients like Greek yogurt, avocado, or frozen banana. When I know I’ve got a indulgent weekend ahead and want to save calories for other treats, I’ll often opt for the healthier substitute.

My go-to powdered peanut butter brand is PBfit, which I find has the most authentic peanut butter flavor and a thicker consistency when mixed with water compared to others. This blueberry smoothie is a game-changer – it’s quick, easy, healthy, and features an explosion of flavors from the sweetness of the blueberries and vanilla protein powder, combined with the creaminess of Greek yogurt, the richness of powdered peanut butter, and a hint of cinnamon.

With under 500 calories and a balanced mix of food groups, this smoothie is a winner. It’s definitely one of my favorite berry-based creations!

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